The School Session starts from the 1st week of April and ends in March every year.
The School year is divided into 2 terms:
Term – 1 : April to September
Term – 2 : October to March
Discipline and punctuality is a part and parcel of good teaching. We want our students to learn both and they should start it from the morning itself. All the students are required to adhere to the school timing very strictly. Morning reporting time for the students is as under:-
a) for classes Pre-School & Pre-Primary 8:50 a.m(Monday to Friday).
b) for all other classes 7:50 a.m(Monday to Saturday).
However, there will be a relaxation of 10 minutes in both the cases for late arrivals and in case any student reaches the school after that, entry may be denied and even if entry is allowed, the student will be marked absent for first half of the day. We solicit your kind co-operation in this regard so that habit of punctuality could be developed in the students.