Smart classes


It has always been endevour of North-Ex Public School G-27, Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi-110085 to give best possible education to the students enrolled with it. In continuation of the spirit to do the best, we at North-Ex now introducing E-Learning in the school, that too for all classes simultaneously from April, 2012 itself. For this purpose all the classrooms have been converted in Smart Digital Classrooms, wherein the latest electronic gadgets have been installed like Projector, Complete unit of Computer System & Projector Board etc.. We had always applied innovative techniques for imparting the best education to the students and in the case of E-Learning also we are doing the same thing. Under the E-Learning module being applied at North-Ex the books of all major subjects have been converted into digital format & the teaching in all the classes will be done through specially designed software developed by Oxford University Press & Goyal Bros. which is a world famous company in education field. All the main subjects like English, Hindi,Mathematics, Science, E.V.S. and Social Science are covered in the E-Learning programme.

Special trainers from Oxford University Press & Goyal Bros. shall be imparting training to the teachers of the school on regular basis throughout the year to make them conversant with the software of E-learning and to keep them updated about the subject contents.

Engineers from hardware company will also impart training to the teachers to make them understand the technical aspects of the electronic gadgets installed in the class rooms.

Hence it is E-Learning in real sence and is going to be of immence benefit for the students because:-

a) Surveys have shown that the traditional class room teaching is unable to utilize 100% of students mind, and extent of grasping by the learners in teaching through traditional method has always remained a question mark.

b) In E-Learning, the teaching learning process becomes interesting for the learners and the learner can grasp maximum subject content through its audio-video visualisaion.

c) E-Learning provides an added dimension of sight and sound and a learning platform as never experienced in traditional teaching.

d) As the subject content becomes student friendly in E-Learning, the psychological fear of some students towards subjects like Mathematics & Science can be eliminated.

e) E-Learning takes the learners beyond simply passing a class or gaining a
skill, it encourages the students to gain deep knowledge of the subject that is embedded in their minds for their lifetime.

Eventually, the Smart Digital Classrooms create a world class teaching environment for the students and they feel themselves at par with the best in the world.

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